hellohellohello my loves!
nu är jag riktigt stressad så hinner inte avancera med inklish, nejnje nu är de svenskasom gäller.
dagarna gar om varandra här i london och jag trivs som allti dväldigt bra.
lustigt hur det kan kännas så hemma här,, men men jag trivs som fisken i vattnet!
nu till det viktiga! JAG HAR FÅTT ETT INTERNSHIP :D
det är för " a fahsion distrubution company" som heter MOT1V.
det är i princip att dem har ett showroom med samples från massa olika designer runtom i världen. när inköpare sedan kommer in till dem så väljer dem plaggen dem vill köpa så fixar dem det.
det är ju i årincip exakt vad jag vill syssla med så känns sjukt roligt!
börjar på måndag redan och är supertaggad. kommer jobba heltid 9.30-17.30 och sedan jobba en hel del på puben för att få ihop till hyran. än en gång lyckas jag komma i en situation där jag måste jobba 60 timmars veckor..... menmen nu är det för något jag verkligen vill så känns mycket lattare!
ska skriva mer när jag har tid, ska iväg och träffa emelie vid liverpool street om 1 och en halv timme. låter mycket i växjötid men i londontid betyder det att jag redan är sen då transport är en BITCH här!
hohojaja jag älskar er hoppas att allting är fantastiskt!
knarkhåla = kap på bricklane?
åh vad trött jag blir på rom som ser fina ut på internet och sen när man får se dem i verkligenheten ser det så deprimerande ut att jag bara vill lägga mig ner på den förmodligen pestsmittade sängen och gråta.
hallefuckinglulja hur ska detta gå.
ska se ytterligare en lägenhet i stoke newington senare idag.
kommer förmodligen vara piss och för att göra det bättre ligger det långt åta helvete österut så kommer ta mig en halv evighet att komma dit och ska dessutom jobba vid halv 6. just great!
sitter i all fall på cafe nero nu och vilar fötterna lite, väldigt skönt! jag ska snart försöka mig på westfield i hopp om att hitta någonting fint men vettitusan om jag orkar människoskaran där inne.
och nu insåg jag precis att jag skrive rpå svenska. vad hände med min jagskaalltingskrivapåengelska princip.
försvann nog tillsammans med mitt hopp om att hitta en respektabel lägenhet.
ps. som ni kanske märker vet jag inte hur man gör nya stycken. jag gör dem när jag skriver men när jag sedan publicerar försvinner dem och allt blir en lång oläsbar röra! ds.
having to finish earlier than you should...
wzzzzzzup girls
so, like always when it's not too busy in the evening sam sends someone home to earn money.
love the feeling when he picks me, yey... not
so i finished my what should have been a double (12-CLOSE) at 8 and luckily my aunt and uncle where sitting there eating so joined them.
after that we went home to them and I got to see their new house which is completely renovated, will look stunning when it's all done!
we'll have to go there when you all visit (which i hope is very soon)!!!
another couple of things happened today. some bad and some good.
first bad was that i overslept this morning when i was supposed to get sophie ready for school and had to rush up. when we were about to cycle we realized that it was rainig cats and gods (hehe) so took the bus.
her school is superuper posh and all the kids have a fingerprint detective gate to go through to get into school. like there all working for the FBI or something.
when i was almost by the bus i realized that i was carrying sophs schoolbooks and she was long gone. SHIT i thought being very tired and not in the mood trying to come in to the superposh spykids school. anyway, the security guard (!) let me in looking quite suspicious and after like 15 minutes of going to different receptions i finally got though to her! YAY. would have been quite ackvärd to come back to jane and simon and say that i took their daughters books with me home...
another bad thing is that the perfect room i thought i might get turned out to be a fraud, a bluff! jävla lösbajs was what i felt when i realized since they wanted me to put around 1000 pounds in a western union account BEFORE even viewing the room. shit again. shitshit.
finally a good thing. a women called me today abotu an inernship i have applied for. it is for a luxury jewellry brand and i would be working like 4 days a week helping her with different things. not to sure what the details are but i'm meeting her at the soho house (where jeroen worked sara) next tuesday. so cross your fingers that it will go well! it's unpaid but thinking that i can work at the pub evenings and a weekend day and still make some money to survive.
pubs been fun today! quite quiet for lunch so read my book and cleaned behind the bar. oh and there was a big fight between a couple also, it was really awkward since i was like 5 meters amay trying not to listen. so typical londoncouples fighting while drinking away in the pub....
hope everyones day has been fab! missing you all
actually quite liking to write a bit, hope it stays like this!
bicycle pro

green tea infusion
hi my loves
so, here it is
my blog
let's cross our fingers and hope that this will last more than 2 days.
i'm going to try to write in english because it is getting worse by the second and since i'm not in school or
learning anything at the moment, this blog will be my school, my homework.
right now i'm sitting at cafe nero in chriswick and applying for a bunch of different internships.
most of them are within fashion and pr and, compared to everything else in internet they don't require that you've studied at fancy schools which has resulted in an even fancier degree.
i still haven't found an apartment and it's getting incredibly frustrating because i'm living in my suitcase.
the one thing i was looking forward to NOT doing after months of living in my rugsack.
oh sweet old rugsack how i miss you. or mostly the adventures we had together.
carrying around with you sucked, you gave me a hunchback.
tonight i'm going to go out to eat with the dyson family.
it's adams birthday today and sophie's done her 11+ ( a superhard test all rich 11 year old kids have to do so they so go to the superpricy and posh london schools.)
so different to sweden, i love you government.
not really sure how to write posts yet, at least not with some sort of thought through contect.
thinking of you girls all the time
miss you
another one bites the dust
the blog empire that has taken over the world, today received a newcomer
nicole x